9.9.10 40th day Fasting prayer
Today is the Liberation Day for our ministry.
As scripture says in 1 Kings: 9:3, God had heard all our prayer requests in these 40 days. HE had hallowed us and HIS eyes and heart shall be on us perpetually.
1. We are not fit to hear HIS words. Only by HIS grace we are standing at HIS feet in these days.
2. Though HE talked or not to us, we should praise HIM.
3. We shouldn’t be the cause for any problem.
4 We want be very careful in all activities.
5.If we didn’t obey HIM, then like Jonah we must also have to suffer for few days and then have to get relief from all problems.
6. We want to be like the foal of an ass. Then only GOD will come upon us and thereby we can shine.
1 John: 5:20
As HE loves us very much, HE will show us what HE is going to do. We will wonder ourselves.
Romans: 2:11
* There is no respect of persons with GOD. We want to be clear in our call. Find out the category in which we have to work in the ministry.
* Have to use all our talents. If we didn’t use it, then we have to fell into the fire.
Romans: 2: 6,7
*HE will render everyone according to his deeds.
* HE will give them eternal life, who by patient continuance in well doing seek for glory, honour and immorality.
* Have to pray for others whole heartedly, we were called as ‘Barnaba’.
Ephesians: 2:10, 3:16-20
* HIS love can’t be measured.
* HE will change all the situations if we stand firmly like Joshua.
Colossians: 3:23,24
* Listen, understand, and visualize what is HIS will and should do everything according to HIS will only.
* We should satisfy only HIM, and not the worldly people.
Hebrew: 4:14
We should hold fast our profession.
Hebrew: 5:4, 11:9, 11, 21, 22, 24, 33
* We didn’t come to HIM. Only HE had separated us from all, and chosen us to do ministry.
* Through faith, many things can be achieved. If we have strong faith in HIM, HE will bless us abundantly.
Till today only basement for our ministry has been established successfully through faith and patience. That’s why this day is the Liberation Day for our ministry.
Hereafter take heed that no man deceive you.
In this day, God has blessed us according to the following verses,
Hebrew: 11: 33, 34
Isaiah : 27:6
The end of all things is at hand now.
Romans: 16:19
Hereafter we want to be wise concerning good and simple concerning evil.
Isaiah: 62:7
We should give HIM no rest until HE answers all our prayer requests.