Date: 18.4.2010
Venue: Bro.Imaan’s residence.
Members Present:Bro.Imaan's Family, Relatives, few of JRH members.
Situations we are going through
1. Do not despise the chastening of the Lord Heb 12 : 5-14
2. Blessed is the man who endures temptation James 1 : 12
3. You have been grieved by various trials I Peter 1 : 6,7
4. "For I will show him how many things he must suffer for my mane's shake" Acts 9 : 16
In these tough situations what Lord is telling us
1. He has cast the chariots of the Pharaoh into the sea Exo 15 : 4
2. His right hand had dashed the enemies into pieces Exo 15 : 6
3. He will not always strive with us Psalm 103 : 9
So that you need to
1. Satisfy the afflicted soul Isaiah 58 : 10
2. You should know how to speak a word in season to him who is weary Isaiah 50 : 4
3. We are not called we are chosen Mathew 22 : 14
4. We are chosen generation I Peter 2 : 9 – 12
See Moses has called as a chosen but he didn’t inherit the blessings of canan, Joshua is also called and he only inherit the blessings of Canan. We are also called like Joshua’s Generation.
That is why?
1. Lord perfects our salvation through sufferings Hebrews 2 : 10
2. We love Him because He first loved us I John 4 : 19
3. He shall open your graves so that you can know the Power of the Lord Ezekiel 37 : 13,14
So what’s our next Step?
1. Run in such a way that you may obtain it I Corinthians 9 : 24
2. You need to earnestly desire the best gifts I Cor 12 : 31
3. Desire especially the gift of prophecy I Cor 14 : 1
4. Preach the word with all longsuffering and teaching II Tim 4 : 2
5. Preach the Gospel that necessity is laid upon you I Cor 9 : 16
6. Lord has made you a watchman for the house of Israel Eze 3 : 17
So you have to
1. Awake and put on your strength Isai 52 : 1,2
2. Arise for your light has come! And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you Isai 60 : 1,2